Once upon a time I was in and out of bouts with depression and had a lot of mal-adapted strategies to deal with life. I felt unworthy, lost and uninspired. I thought I could only be happy if I were in a relationship and that made getting into a healthy one very difficult (anyone wanna save me or need saving out there?). Around 2015 I decided to get a handle on things and do “The work”. I started seeing an amazing spiritual director that helped me shift perspective. I committed to Gratitude, a meditation practice as well as a creative practice. I looked at my patterns and astrology and got so much clarity around why I acted the ways I did, and what my soul wanted from me to evolve and to be a conscious co-creator of my life.
I am happy to report that now, on the other side, I feel unconditional love for myself, my inner child and the fellow earthlings that inhabit this planet and suffer so much due to unconscious patterns that drive their unhelpful behaviors that keep them stuck.
Having learned to be with reality as it is and to take care of my nervous system I now have a bigger capacity to “feel it to heal it” and I’d love to help you discover that you can, too, be fulfilled in life
Watch the interview with myself below, part of the summit I’ve created in 2022 (“Being with what is”) to have an idea of where I’ve been and where I am today.
If you feel called, book an introductory call with no strings attached today and we can talk to see if we might be a fit for working together! I’d love to help you identify your blocks and move towards your goals, one small step at a time.
Hello, World!